Tuesday, April 10th, three students from Rockwall High School delivered speeches to the Rockwall Breakfast Rotary Club. Students Karis Ford, Garrett Newman, and Lisel Reyes picked their own subjects but were required to develop their speeches around the Rotary Four-Way Test: 1.) Is it the TRUTH?; 2.) Is it FAIR to all concerned?; 3.) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? and 4.) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Speeches were limited to seven minutes, and students were not permitted to use notes.

RHS Speech and Debate Coach, Nichelle Wallace, presented checks on behalf of the Rockwall Breakfast Rotary Club to Ford (third place), Newman (second place) and Reyes (first place). Reyes will advance to the District 5810 competition on April 28 at South Grand Prairie High School where she will have the chance to compete for up to an additional $1,000 cash prize.

The Rockwall Breakfast Rotary Club conducts the contest annually where students from RISD are invited to compete.



Photo by Kirte M. Kinser